Preworkscreen: An Employee COVID-19 Daily Health Self-Screening App

Preworkscreen is an online daily COVID-19 employee health screening app that allows employees to perform self-health checks, log their results, and report to their company’s HR/Safety Officers from their mobile phones. This employee and visitor COVID-19 self-assessment app allows you to create custom screening questions and send text and email reminders and notifications to employers and employees. It helps organizations stay compliant with U.S. state and Canadian province self-screening guidelines and requirements. Easily post Visitor Screen QR code at your location or email the Visitor Screening link directly from our system for guests, vendors, clients, and many more to screen for symptoms. Preworkscreen only allows employers to see final self-assessment results. Individual screening answers are stored securely and are not available to employers. Preworkscreen allows employees to take control of their own symptom screening at no cost to them. Learn more at

Why Use Preworkscreen?
1. Custom Tailored Screen Solutions
2. Document Upload System for Vaccination Records, Test Results, etc.
3. Advanced Notification and Alert System
4. User Friendly for Employers, Employees, and Visitors
5. Scalable and Useful for a Wide Range of Organizations with many Departments

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