

Legal Claims in Pennsylvania Involving Stormwater Onto Your Property

In Pennsylvania, there is a law of surface waters found in legal case law. That is, a municipality or another property owner is responsible for harm to an adjoining landowner if that first owner or municipality artificially diverts or channels surface water (including storm water) onto that adjoining property. Even if there is not additional

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Assisted Reproduction Opportunities and Legal Rights in Washington

For women across the globe, bearing and raising children is a wonderful opportunity that they hope to experience some day. Unfortunately, not all women are able to achieve this due to medical concerns. Through modern science, many women and couples are able conceive or raise a child through assisted reproduction. With over 1% of live

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Pre-prepared Legal Documents – Why “Canned” Documents Can Get You Canned

Watching the commercials on late-night TV can be quite an education for the estate planning lawyer. It seems every channel has a commercial hawking pre-prepared, or “canned”, legal documents in order to “save you the costs of hiring a high-priced lawyer”: “Save thousands of dollars with our easy-to-fill-in (insert type of document: wills, trusts, powers of attorney, deeds,

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Book Review: The Legal Rights of Union Stewards by Robert M. Schwartz

This small book (only 155 pages currently) contains nine chapters covering such subjects as the National Labor Relations Act and the Union’s right to information, to name a few. Each chapter is chock full of real world information written for the Shop Steward that doesn’t have a college degree. Illustrations and examples are frequently placed

Book Review: The Legal Rights of Union Stewards by Robert M. Schwartz Read More »

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